🥳 112% Funded 🥰
All or nothing: a minimum of 0.20 ETH (0.25 ETH max) must be raised for campaign to be successful.
Campaign ended Jan 03, 2024 at 5:19pm
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Recipient address has withdrawn the 0.22 ETH campaign funds from the contract. Transaction hash: 
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Campaign ended Jan 03, 2024 at 5:19pm

I’m organizing the first Farcaster meetup in Rome. I will be introducing people to web3 social and onboarding them to Farcaster.

--- About me
Hey there, I’m limone.eth, software engineer, startupper and community builder. I co-founded urbe.eth (leading community for web3 builders in Italy) and organized ETHRome (the first web3 hackathon in Italy, on governance and privacy topics), you can learn more about me here ( https://limone.lol ). I’ve also built a couple Farcaster projects: Bubbles (winning ETHGlobal Paris), Findcaster, and Pulse (find details on all of those on https://limone.lol ).

--- About urbe.eth
urbe.eth is a non-profit cultural association based in Rome, Italy. Founded in May 2022, our goal is to spread knowledge, awareness and education around the Web3 and Blockchain ecosystem, involving builders who create and bring new value in the space. Our core activities include meetups, events, coworking days, traveling to hackathons and conferences and other educational activities. Our biggest community effort so far has been ETHRome (6-8th Oct 2023), the first Web3 hackathon in Italy, focused on Privacy and Governance topics.

--- Description
As I’m a big fan of decentralized social (I made a couple talks around it - last one here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoEEdn_ytkk ), and a big fan of Farcaster, I would like to organize the first Farcaster meetup in my hometown, Rome, and onboard people from my community to it.

My plan is the following:
- Rent a venue for 30-40 ppl (~200$)
- Give a 30-40 min talk on web3 social, with a focus on Farcaster
- Have a networking session with snacks and drinks (~200$)
- Gifting 25 Farcaster accounts (~200$)

--- Goal
Give urbe.eth community members a wide understanding of the main benefits of web3 socials, as well as introducing (and maybe activating) them to Farcaster.

--- Timeline
If everything goes well, I'm planning to organize the meetup in January.

--- Funding
Total amount needed: 0.3 ETH (~600$)

Note ~0.1ETH will be covered by the Farcaster Meetup Fund ( https://eventcaster.notion.site/Farcaster-Meetup-Fund-346aae26d2fe4db49e81058a8ebb9cc1 )

----- Updated 12/18/2023 12:03:36 PM -----

it's happening!!!

will start to plan the meetup for mid-end january!

so grateful for all your support, it means a lot 💜

----- Updated 1/23/2024 10:19:02 AM -----

Announced the meetup!
